013 – Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range

013 - Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range

conelcast episode 013: “Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range”

Music by British electronic musician conelrad – visit conelrad.co.uk for a full back catalogue.

Wow, lucky 13 episodes!! This means I’ve been doing this for 6 months. Huge thanks for sticking with me and for your kind words on iTunes reviews. I am looking at a few ways to push this podcast to the next level, including a possible patreon (e.g. to offer episodes without the intro and stings, and other bonuses TBD). Remember if you have any suggestions or comments you can email me at conelrad@munchhouse.com or get me on Twitter at conelraduk.

Anyway. You can join the conelrad mailing list here. That’s going to be the best way to keep updated with conelcast and other conelrad projects. You can also follow me on Twitter if you like at conelraduk.

Other ways to help:

1. Check out the albums of shorter, more conventional tracks available at conelrad.bandcamp.com. They’re free to download or you can pay whatever you like for them. Some people have done this already (thank you so much).

2. Tell as many people as you can about the show! Recommended it to friends–especially those who are artists, writers, coders or people who just need something to help them focus on what they’re doing. I personally work in a large open-plan hotdesking office and listen to stuff like this all the time.

3. Subscribe and rate/review the podcast on Apple podcasts. I have no clue whether this helps or not. But it can’t hurt.

Whether you do any of the above or not, thank you so much for listening. It’s great that you’d trust me with your ears.

(c) 2018 conelrad. To discuss reuse, derivatives, licensing or commissions please email conelrad@munchhouse.com.